Conception and Implementation of The Automobile Sporting Complex




We are a company that is specialized in sporting complex undertakings focused on car and motorcycle racing categories. Our ideal is the development of speedways projects that are to be homologated by the responsible international regulatory agencies, whose capacity is to hold national and international motorsport championship stages.

During recent years, we have developed a technical, economical and social criteria matrix that allows accurate evaluation and orientation for speedways implementation, as the commercial development of the outskirts of the circuits.

Our team is made of experienced architects, engineers, technicians and riders who, in an integrated way, take part in the development of the project from its conception to the approval and homologation.



Develop and improve new techniques and conception for the construction of speedways with excellence standards in sportiveness, safety and flexibility and that partners, besides other items from the sporting complex, provide the necessary infrastructure to the success of the undertaking.


To reach the highest standard of specialization in conception and implementation of automobile sporting complexes and to obtain acknowledgment in excellence from the national and international regulatory agencies and from the motorsport market.

Art Stage in the conception and implementation of automobile sporting complexes.

Get to know our service portfolios

Our quality standards also apply to terms of service, technical knowledge and consulting. With our knowhow and experience, our team is ready to help you on your projects.


Global evaluation for technical and economical viability of complex undertakings for motor sports and commercial development potential.


Consultancy, technical and financial development of projects detailed with Master-Plan and budgeting plan for all stages of the project.


Designing and detailing of tracks and necessary infrastructure for homologation before the national and international regulatory agencies.


Conception of architectonical projects and civil engineering.


Execution managing of projects and implementation of the operation.


Managing and operation of the physical infrastructure of motor speedways.


Evaluation and managing of regional and environmental legal issues for the implementation.


Motorsports and Cultural events organization and event promotion.


Business administration and track’s outskirts real state incorporation.

Technical knowledge and consultancy for your project

Current Project




The sporting complex is being build in a private property constituted of 988 acres in Curvelo town 91miles away from the state’s capital city, premiere predicted to 2016.

Having confirmed both technical and economical viability of the chosen site, several projects (topographical, earthmoving, drainage, geometrical, paving) have been elaborated and approved, respecting all environmental laws and criteria for homologation from the Automobile and Motorcycling International and National Federations.

Especial attention to safety, as track and pit lane’s width, pavement type, gravel traps, guard rails, barriers and ripple strips have been considered. The position and location of pit entrances, protection fencing, signposting platform, drainage system, besides Health Care and Racing Control areas that have been carefully analyzed.

The main track is 2.1 miles long, has 18 curves and a thirty-two-yard track elevation difference along the length that warrants additional sportiveness to the competitions. There are 18 signposting spots and infrastructure for 30 pits. It is also possible to alter the track to be 1.839 miles long.

Planned to hold national and international championship stages, the complex will also be flexible enough to hold other events, such as, track days, test-drives, press conferences and driving courses. Sponsoring deals with 2 and 4-wheels companies are being designed and will be announced soon.



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TecRacing Parques
Rodovia do Cristais – LMG754, km 6
Curvelo / MG – Brazil
ZIP Code 35790-000
Mailbox 41

+55 (38) 3502-2423